Monday, 15 October 2012

The Poet and Writer in the Library Concept

The Poet /Writer in the Library Concept.


The Zimbabwe Library Association Mashonaland Branch is rapidly preparing for the International Schools Library Month in conjunction with National Library and Documentation Services to host a number of events around Harare for the promotion of reading culture and literacy development. Several meetings and interventions are being organised to prop up the whole concept that have to  to with the importance of libraries in Schools and reading  . On the 18th of October   2012 the Zimla mashonaland Branch and other stakeholders are going to  a district  library  event  in Glen view where they will be a number activities and speeches marking the importance of literacy and libraries. The Chairperson of Zimbabwe Library Association Mashonaland Branch is working flat out for  the library month to be a fruitful month that will bring  another face of the readership culture in Zimbabwe


Of note is that the celebrated poet and literacy advocate, Mbizo Chirasha the Black Poet is conducting workshops, poetry trainings and creative gatherings in various school . The main School the poet is working is Buddiroro3 Primary School. The program is dubbed Poet/Writer in the Library. It seeks to give first hand information and cultivation to young pupils in schools , It is a catch them Young Program  and seek to engrave a readership DNA in  young people. The Poet is far much experienced because he is the founder /creative director of GirlchildCreativity Projects  which is also another Creative motivation, talent realisation and literacy development concept. The Poet once worked as An Outreach agent of the Zimbabwe Book Development Council and as a Programs Director of Young Writers Caravan.

Mbizo Chirasha,the BlackPoet with Children  in Budiriro3 Primary library and Pamela Murambiwa the School Librarian

At Budiriro3 Primary School, Mbizo Chirasha Poet is working with 2 members of staff Pamela Murambiwa  the School Librarian and Grade six teacher Karima Tsitsi  where a lot of reading club students are from.

Murambiwa Pamela is a qualified Secretary and now Librarian at Budiriro 3 Primary School. She holds a certificate in Library and Information Science and is pursuing her Diploma this year. She works extensively with children at the school library and helps mostly the non-reading pupils.

Tsitsi Karima is a qualified English teacher who has taught in different primary schools for the past 12 years. She has worked with children cultivating in them a rich reading culture as well as propagating their creative abilities in writing short stories. In her quest for Arts she studied Chinese language at an international level. These two women are instrumental in the  Library ,Writing and reading project . The Head and the Deputy  head at the school are fully behind the whole idea.

On the 17th of October   The American Embassy in Harare is hosting  a library seminar where a number of ideas will be shared ,issues on  school libraries importance , Writers in Residence in library and issues on Social Media  in our communities.

This month of October the world celebrate the Schools Library Month promoting the creativity, Literacy  development.


Mbizo Chirasha , Poet , Library Development and Literacy advocate.

For more information contact Kenneth Mangemba