Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Atta Wa Mills

Atta Wa Mills

Tireless tongue of mother earth
You painted our sunlight purple with bruises
Bruises of tears, sweat and grief, darkness abound
Dear motherearth your scorching tongue, burnt again our tender hearts
Daughters of Serengeti are weeping, sons ofNzinga are sweating
Children and grey heads withering in the hot desert of sorrow
Granite of hope exfoliated bydouble loss, loss of life and loss of a leader
Atta Wa Mills you last night you dined withghost of father Africa Nkrumah
I dreamt you dancing Mbaqangawith Sisulu,breakfasting sweet potatoes with father Tanganyika
You confided with the shadow of Kenyatta behind the black hills of once Ivory Coast
Atta Wa Mills you left scars of in the valleys of consciences
You also left blooms and buds of hope underneath the anthills of this generation
Today we sing you a eulogy not of goodbye, but on our poetic lips you remain
We embrace the soul of Ghana in the wings of our metaphor
Sleep well son of African daughter, Sleep well political grey horn

Mbizo Chirasha is an Internationally acclaimed performance poet, writer, and creative projects consultant. He is widely published in more than Seventy-five journals, magazines, and anthologies around the world including Ditch ,poetry Bulawayo ,ovi magazine ,phatitude,African,amabooks journal, rhythm international, Daily news poetry Column,Saih Website ,Full of crow ,forward press ,poem2day ,Ofi Press ,Forward Press , ,One Ghana One Voice ,Miracle Ezine and many others. He was the poet-in-residence: from 2001-2004 for the Iranian embassy/UN Dialogue among civilizations project; the United Nations Information Centre - 2001-2008; Convener/Event Consultant THIS IS AFRICA POETRY NIGHT 2004 - 2006; official performance poet Zimbabwe International Travel Expo in 2007; Poet in Residenceofthe International conference of African culture and development/ ICACD 2009; and official Poet Sadc Poetry Festival, NAMIBIA 2009. A delegate to the Unesco photo novel writing project in Tanzania, Mbizo is the Official poet in residence for the ISOLA/ international conference of oral literature 2010 in Kenya.Mbizo is Chirasha is widely profiled in both local and abroad media institutions. His poetry books Good Morning Presidentis Published in UK and Whispering Woes of Ganges and Zambezi is published byan Indian/American Publisher Cyber wit Press. A lot of more anthologies are under review by other publishers.Mbizo Chirasha the Founder /Operations/Creative Director of Girl child Creativity Project and the newly founded Urban Colleges Writers