Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Good Morning President Poetry Anthology / Reading and Discussion Forum

2011 defined the branding  of one  of the most popular  , active
perfomance poet and writer  in zimbabwe  .He is also the founder of
a number of creative , cultural and literary projects  including  the
Writers Caravan Project 2003-2005, This is Africa Poetry Night
2006-2007 , African Drums Poetry Festivals  2007 , Girl
ChildCreativity Project 2011- Current . The Poet/Writer is published
in more 50 journals around the world , his reviews/profiles  are
published in  national papers , magazines and broadcasting
programs.Mbizo  have worked with a number of organizations and
institutions which inlude diplomatic  , educational , media , youth
and cultural organizations.

2011 defined the growth and  the branding  of the   internationally
reknowned poet, Mbizo Chirasha .He managed to publish his debut poetry

Product Description

A collection of captivating poems from a prolific Zimbabwean spoken
word poet who is active in cultivating creativity in Zimbabwe
(girlchildcreativity)and abroad. His appearances in worldwide
publications are wide.This is his first solo collection including
poems he has recited worldwide.

The publication is  one among   poetry works the poet have published
around world , tours as a poet in resident , guest poet , advisor ,
festival manager  ,live literature producer.This is exhibited by the
long journey the poet have travelled in his  work , the poet toured
ghana , zimbabwe arts , literary festivals , zambia , egypt ,
sweden.south africa , namibia,tanzania , malawi , mozamibque and other

0n the 15th of februrary 2011  , the poet  Mbizo Chirasha will be
reading the poetry Anthology Good Morning President published by
Diaspora Publishers 2011 in the UK.On this day the American Corner at
the Gweru Memorial Library will be blazing in verses and metaphors.all
are invited  at 230 pm  onwards

Contact Bevan Hungwe/Education Advisor

or Mbizo Chirasha /Author  + 263 734 332 309